Newsletter Archive

Archive for Twin Cedars News

Twin Cedars produces a monthly newsletter filled with news about our new releases & products and about reading & writing in general. All issues are archived in pdf form and are available for your reading pleasure via the links in the table below. Most months we feature a Guest Author (GA) or articles of special interest.

You can also subscribe to the newsletter directly via the signup form at the bottom of this page. New issues arrive monthly on or about the 8th.

Please Note: Volume and Issue Numbers were added starting with the September 2020 Issue (Vol II.8). Any volume numbers dated here before September 2020 were added to the archive retrospectively and do not appear in the actual issue.

Links connect to a PDF file hosted on the blog


 Date & Volume Link to PDF Description
2024 June VI.6 link SmashWords Changes
2024 May VI.5 link Military Appreciation Month, Towel Day
2024 Apr VI.4 link Huntsville, Eclipse, Shakespeare's birthday
2024 Mar VI.3 link Happy Spring
2024 Feb VI.2 link Groundhog Day!
2024 Jan VI.1 link Phillip Martin; Mike Mollman; Public Domain Day
2023 Dec.V.12 link 2024 Events Calendar
2023 Nov.V.11 link Richard Fierce; Mike Mollman
2023 Oct.V.10 link October events; 20% off wallets; Seth Tucker
2023 Sept,V.9 link October events coming up; Trivia
2023 Aug,V.8 link Farley; Scam Alerts; Trivia
2023 July,V.7 link FanBoy & Farley; Trivia
2023 June,V.6 link Guest Author Brian Peterson; Trivia
2023 May,V.5 link Convention update; Metrotham coming up!
2023 Apr,V.4 link Conventions, promos, and more!
2023 Mar,V.3 link ASE & ConNooga review; Mike Mollman
2023 Feb,V.2 link Atlanta Steampunk Expo & ConNooga
2023 Jan,V.1 link Public Domain Day 2023
2022 Dec,IV.12 link SmashWords Sale
2022 Nov,IV.11 link Challenge 22
2022 Oct,IV.10 link HallowCon
2022 Sept,IV.9 link Seth Tucker
2022 Aug,IV.8 link FarleyCon; Chain Nerd
2022 July,IV.7 link Geekist; Jesse D'Angelo
2022 June,IV.6 link Metrotham Con
2022 May,IV.5 link Kate Carver
2022 Apr,IV.4 link Mike Mollman
2022 Mar,IV.3 link How-To Geek
2022 Feb,IV.2 link Nancy Wilson; Seth Tucker; Con Nooga promo
2022 Jan,IV.1 link Introducing Dice trays!
2021 Dec,III.12 link Stephanie Osborn new release
2021 Nov,III.11 link Guest Author Larry Simpson
2021 Oct,III.10 link convention update, 3 Past Guest Authors
2021 Sept,III.9 link K. T. promos, convention update
2021 Aug,III.8 link K. T. promos, FarleyCon, Sustainability
2021 July, III.7 link K. T. promos, Sustainability, Back to School Disc
2021 June,III.6 link K. T. promos, Sustainability blog, Redbubble
2021 May;III.5 link T. D. promos, Redbubble items, HallowCon update
2021 Apr;III.4 link T. D. promos, Wanderer bag, When Books Went to War
2021 Mar; III.3 link Almost Human promo, Sustainability in Uncertainty
2021 Feb; III.2 link GA Keith Robinson
2021 Jan; III.1 link GA Seth Tucker; Bullet Journals
2020 Dec, II.11 link GA Ben Meeks; Scam Alert; Kindle Side-load
2020 Nov, II.10 link GA Matthew Quinn; HallowCon Report
2020 Oct, II.9 link GA Dan Hollifield; HallowCon Preview
2020 Sept, II.8 link Samizdat Article; Individual Sustainability
2020 Aug, II.7 link Viking Issue; PGA Jennifer Reynolds & Stephanie Osborn
2020 July n/a hiatus
2020 Jun, II.6 link GA Grayson Sydney
2020 May, II.5 link Guest Author Devika Fernando
2020 April, II.4 link Shakespeare Issue; Book Rec: Stuart Kells
2020 Mar, II.3 link Book Rec: Zawe Ashton
2020 Feb, II.2 link GA Armand Rosamilia
2020 Jan, II.1 link GA Dan Jolley
2019 Dec, I.11 link GA Nina Soden, Guardian Unmasked release
2019 Nov, I.10 link GA Taylor Hoch, HallowCon Special
2019 Oct, I.9 link Review: Betrayal on Broadway
2019 Sept, I.8 link Next Chapter Con
2019 Aug, I.7 link GA David Bishop
2019 July, I.6 link GA Rob Brown
2019 June, I.5 link GA Cass Michaels
2019 May, I.4 link GA  pdmac
2019 April, I.3 link GA Stephanie Osborn
2019 Mar, I.2 link GA Kenyon T. Henry
2019 Feb, I.1 link GA Jennifer Reynolds